Pollinator and Landscape Information
Documents and links to websites with information on:
Conservation landscaping, use of native plants, and water conservation
The District may be able to order native grasses and plants as well as trees for handplanting. Please order in the fall by writing requests in on our tree order form or contact the district directly to discuss interest and options. Our ability to meet requests will depend on availability and order constraints. Our tree order form is available on the Services page.
NDSU Publications:
Butterfly Gardening in North Dakota
Bee-utiful Landscapes - Building a Pollinator Garden
NDSU Pollinator Websites:
Build a Certified Home Pollinator Garden
NDSU Extension Entomology Pollinator Page
NDSU Extension Pollinator Conservation Facebook Page
Farming for Pollinators
Brochure describing things farmers can do to support pollinators
NRCS information on pollinators and links to other sources. Also, links to other plant and animal information.
ND Game & Fish Pollinator Information
Information resources and NDG&F conservation programs, including pollinator gardening and school programs.
US Fish & Wildlife Service Pollinator Information
USFWS pollinator homepage with information and links
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Their Pollinator Conservation Resource Center has regional guides and resources
Resources include ecoregional planting guides
Landscaping and Gardening
NDSU Extension Garden and Horticulture Information
Rain Gardens
NRCS guide to installing a water conservation garden in your yard
Living Landscapes in North Dakota
Information for landscaping with native plants
Grand Forks County SCD provides a guide for those not familiar with rural living that are thinking about moving into the country.
Backyard Conservation
Things homeowners can do to conserve and improve natural resources
It turns out that all life is interconnected to all other life. -- Richard Feynman